Hybrid warfare go on

British anti-doping agency UKAID has verified the samples taken from Russian athletes between February 15 and May 29. The results have turned out positive: medical drug Meldonium was found in 49 of 52 samples. All samples contained traces of at least one banned substance.
Also World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)report published in June says that in 736 cases athletes simply avoided tests with active help from Russian sports and customs officials and even FSB operatives. Meldonium was invented in USSR and distributed in Russia and Eastern Europe as an anti-ischemia medication. It also widely used by Russian athletes as performance enhancer. In January 2016 Meldonium was banned by WADA.

Then you are discussing politics and other sensitive matters in Russian segment of the Internet you should watch out. Some of the things you've typed might get you prosecuted. Whenever you guilty or not is largely decided by special type of experts. For example, one of the Russian ADIS-preventing non-profit organizations was labeled as "part of hybrid war aimed at topple political regime in Russia". The expertise was done by one of the history professors in Saratov Law Academy.

In similar case expert from Institute of Linguistics of Russian Academy of Science have found extremism content in Ukrainian child's magazine "Барвiнок". Magazine was banned in Russia for publications about current civil war in Ukraine. One the issues have depicted ongoing conflict as war between Russia and Ukraine and also have used derogatory language than describing Russian which is a norm for Ukrainian press nowadays.

But this system is obviously not always works the same for everybody. Actor Valery Grishko that have played a role in award-winning movie "Leviafan" have sued Russian MP Dmitry Sivirkin on charges of insulitng. Sivirkin didn't like the movie very much and Grishko performance in particular. He called him "scum who's ready to shit on its own Motherland". This time however, experts didn't find anything insulting in that statement.

A lot of Russian internet users have become victims of hackers that have stolen thousands of personal photos from private albums in social networks. Statistics say that out of 100 victims only about 5 decide to file a police report. Investigators suggests that hacks are being made from Ukraine but because of relationships between two countries have seriously deteriorated over the past few years, now progress in catching those hackers have been made so far.